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How Is COVID-19 Affecting Sleep?

How Is Covid-19 Affecting Sleep?

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19), has left many people across the globe in a position of uncertainty.

This uncertainty and massive change to life has many detrimental effects to health and wellbeing. One of the major ones that people may not have considered is the changes to sleep patterns. So how is COVID-19 affecting sleep?

The importance of sleep may be taking a back seat to the pressing issues of the economy and looking after your loved ones. Although, trying to maintain your sleep during these times is still vitally important.

Sleep is critical to not only physical health but mental and emotional health also. Your immune system is dependent upon adequate sleep, which is of importance now more than ever.

As is the overall efficiency of bodily functions. Without adequate sleep the cells in our body cannot repair fully, leaving us exposed to illness and feeling generally unwell.

Whilst the current worldwide situation is pressing, it is important to look after our health and maintain a good sleeping pattern. Although this may be easier said than done, there are ways in which we can combat COVID-19 affecting sleep!

How Is Sleep Affected?

To know how to find a solution to something we must understand what the issue is first. This pandemic has affected people in many different ways, with the first responders bearing most of the impacts both mentally and physically.  But for a number of people sleep is being significantly impacted.

The changes in normal routines, the overload of information, worries and concerns for family, isolation and loneliness and the facing of ‘new normals’ can be extremely overwhelming. Meaning COVID-19 is affecting your sleep.

Maybe you are struggling in this way or you are quite enjoying working from home. Either one of those is going to be affecting your sleeping pattern. This meaning COVID-19 is affecting sleep in some way for majority of people.

Even if you are feeling quite stable and relaxed during this situation, being at home more will have significantly changed your day to day function and thus your sleeping pattern.

You may find yourself napping during the day, going to bed later and waking up later.

However, one of the biggest issues many are facing is the mental and emotional impact of COVID-19.

Anxiety, worry and depression are on the rise. Sadly, so are suicide rates. Whether you are suffering from Anxiety and Depression or you are feeling more worried than usual as to how you will pay your bills, your sleep will be affected.

Uncertainty is one of the biggest factors driving anxiety, which in turn disrupts sleep. And we are living in a world of uncertainty at this time.

What Can You Do?

Sleep heightens brain function, enhances mood and improves mental health. To combat the possible lack of sleep, try to maintain a schedule and routine, getting out as much as you can to get natural light.

This will help keep the melatonin levels in your brain at a normal state. Which is in control of your sleep and wake cycle. Staying inside, watching TV or being exposed to artificial blue light will cause a fluctuation in melatonin and change your sleep wake cycle meaning you may not be getting the full rest you need to function both physically and mentally.

To help combat this stay active and avoid taking naps if you can. Limit your screen time and try to get outside or have a supply of fresh air coming into your home.

If you have severe or worsening sleep or other health problems, it is sensible to get in touch with your doctor.

While it may be limited, Sleep Healthcare is committed to offering the usual products and services during these times to aid in your health and wellbeing. Ask yourself the question: ‘How Is COVID-19 Affecting Sleep?’ This will help in finding solutions.

If you are struggling with sleep please feel free to reach out to us. To stay up to date with key information regarding COVID-19 you can follow WHO.

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