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Sleep deprived if you experience these signs

It’s possible you’re suffering from sleep deprivation, even if you feel like you’re getting enough sleep. That’s because the symptoms of sleep deprivation aren’t always as clear-cut as you might think. For example, it isn’t just the feeling of being sleepy that indicates you’re running low on sleep, there are some other tell-tale signs that can suggest the amount or quality of sleep you’re having isn’t enough.

It may not be a term you’ve heard of, but sleep debt is a real condition with implications for your well-being. The concept of sleep debt is one way in which sleep deprivation can creep into your life without you even realising it. Sleep debt is accumulated gradually, and is said to result from an hour or more of missed sleep every night for several nights. Sleep debt can get so bad that several nights of regular sleep are required to return the body to normal functioning.

So, what are the signs you should be watching out for then?

The frequency of any disturbed sleep…

Look, everyone has trouble sleeping now and then and we’ve all experienced the occasional sleepless night and groggy morning.

We may even go through a period when we experience these things more than usual, such as during times of life transitions and stress. When you might have a more significant problem, is when sleep disturbances and deprivation become a regular occurrence without any obvious underlying circumstances or cause.

Noticeable irritability or low mood…

Have you found yourself being more impatient and snappier than usual? It’s possibly a lack of sleep that’s causing this as experts say insufficient sleep can certainly lead to irritability.

If you are feeling depressed and having a hard time understanding why, you might want to take a look at your sleep habits.

While sleep deprivation may not be a direct cause of depression, but rather a symptom,
it’s been shown there are clear links between sleep quality and mood.

It’s not always easy to acknowledge or accept mood changes in yourself, but those around you are likely to have noticed and it may be worth having an open and honest chat with them.

If there’s enough concern, making an appointment to see a health professional is certainly recommended to rule out other health causes or issues.

Are you hungrier than normal and have you put on weight?

Were you aware that a lack of sleep may increase your appetite and cause weight gain?

The body needs energy and when it’s sleep-deprived this can prompt a craving for sweets, carbohydrates, or just greater food intake in general.

Sleep deprivation also triggers the release of hormones that can increase appetite. Getting too little sleep can cause hormone imbalances that result in weight gain even if there’s not been a noticeable increase in

What are your options, if you are concerned about your sleep health?

If any of the above sound familiar and you’re worried that you aren’t getting enough good sleep, the most important thing to do is to take action.

The experts at Sleep Healthcare Australia are always happy to take your phone call to discuss your sleep health.

DVA Authorised Supplier

As a ResMed approved DVA supplier we can work with you and your GP to ensure you’re getting a great night’s sleep, every night, to keep your health and well being on track. Just call them on 1800 717 566 to discuss your sleep health today.

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Local Sleep Experts and Physicians, Sleep Studies, CPAP Machines
and Accessories, Total Sleep Care Solutions

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