The majority of us know that enough sleep is good for us; but how seriously do we take that advice? Many of us don’t get an adequate amount of sleep due to our hectic schedules, a need for “down time”, or simply life’s circumstances. Lack of sleep, however, can result in more than just being tired, which in itself is still bad enough. Experts warn that chronic sleep deprivation can have serious health consequences and so taking time to review your sleep health and improve it if need be, just makes sense.
According to medical professionals, here are just some of the health problems that may result from lack of sleep.
While of course the likelihood of cancer cannot be solely attributed to a lack of sleep, studies have indicated that the risk for certain cancers (such as colon cancer) is higher for those who work night shifts and as a result have inconsistent sleep patterns. Apparently, exposure to light in the night-time hours reduces the body’s production of melatonin; a brain chemical that helps promote healthy sleep. Additionally though, melatonin is also believed to reduce tumors and protect against them as well. The less good sleep you get, the less melatonin your body manufactures and therefore the disease risk is higher.
Statistically, heart attacks are more likely to occur in the early morning hours. Experts believe this may have something to do with the particular way that sleep and waking affect the cardiovascular system.
Studies have shown the health problems that often lead to heart disease – obesity, high blood pressure, etc. – are exacerbated by lack of sleep and therefore the link between insufficient sleep and heart disease remains under ongoing investigation.
From car accidents to mishaps around the home, sleep deprivation has been implicated in all sorts of injury and emergency situations.
Sleep-deprived brains simply don’t react very quickly or efficiently. The clumsiness and mistakes that come from fatigue can certainly put you at risk of harm and are avoidable with sufficient good quality sleep.
When you regularly don’t get adequate sleep, you’re more likely to become moody and irritable; and this is not conducive to maintaining good relationships.
You’re also less able to think clearly, problem solve and remember things which can then lead to frustration and even low mood.
Being constantly tired isn’t healthy and isn’t normal. The good news however, is the supportive team of sleep professionals at Sleep Health Care Australia is available to answer all of your sleep related questions or concerns.
As a ResMed approved DVA supplier we can work with you and your GP to ensure you’re getting a great night’s sleep, every night, to keep your health and well being on track. Just call them on 1800 717 566 to discuss your sleep health today.
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