Could It Be

Sleep Apnoea?
Learn The Signs and
What You Can Do

If you’re worried that you may have sleep apnoea, it’s important you see a sleep specialist sooner and not later. Yes, sleep apnoea is commonly understood to be a serious condition, but thankfully it’s one that can certainly be controlled and largely self-managed after a diagnosis is made.

Here are some of the TellTale symptoms of sleep apnoea.

A lack of energy and sleepiness during the day can be one sign of sleep apnoea. Many people get a bit sleepy mid-afternoon and don’t mind taking an occasional nap, and this is considered normal and nothing to worry about. It’s when daytime sleepiness begins to negatively impact normal functioning that it raises alarm bells. If you frequently become overly tired while driving or are often unable to pay attention to your daily tasks, then sleep apnoea may be the problem.

Moodiness and unexplained irritability can be another warning sign of sleep apnoea. You may be unaware of a serious sleep problem and you might not even feel particularly tired and lethargic, but it could just be your pattern of interrupted sleep, caused by sleep apnoea, that has led to irritability when there doesn’t seem to be any other triggers or cause.

The most common sign of sleep apnoea though is snoring. Has someone complained about you sounding like a rattling old train carriage during the night? Snoring, particularly loud and irregular snoring, is one of the primary symptoms of sleep apnoea. The noise is caused by the vibration of the narrowed airway and results in limited airflow. In more serious instances this interruption of breathing can cause waking repeatedly through the night, gasping for air.

of the primary symptoms of sleep apnoea. The noise is caused by the vibration of the narrowed airway and results in limited airflow. In more serious instances this interruption of breathing can cause waking repeatedly through the night, gasping for air.

If this is what you’re experiencing, it’s time to seek advice and treatment.

Medically, one of the most common treatments for sleep apnoea is Continuous Positive Airflow Pressure, or CPAP. This device is a small box which is then attached to a tube and mask. You wear the mask at night, and it delivers a continuous flow of oxygen into your throat and airways, keeping them open and providing you with much-needed air.

Sleep Healthcare Australia is a DVA approved and long-trusted supplier of CPAP solutions to RSL members and will work with you to find the machine best suited to managing your sleep apnoea. Not only do they also provide support with the setup, use, compliance monitoring and servicing of your CPAP equipment they offer payment plans and rental options to make taking care of your health more affordable.

Reach out to them for a consultation where one of their expert staff can chat with you about your sleep health history and answer any questions you might have. The appointment is easy to set up and can be held via phone, tablet or computer… actually from anywhere you can access the internet. Telehealth sessions are easy to arrange, completely private, free and they save you time and money.

They can help you decide the best equipment if it is recommended that you use a CPAP machine to treat your sleep apnoea.

DVA Authorised Supplier

As a ResMed approved DVA supplier we can work with you and your GP to ensure you’re getting a great night’s sleep, every night, to keep your health and well being on track. Just call them on 1800 717 566 to discuss your sleep health today.

Phone: 1800 717 566 Email: [email protected] Web:

Local Sleep Experts and Physicians, Sleep Studies, CPAP Machines
and Accessories, Total Sleep Care Solutions

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