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Can You Die From Sleep Apnea?

can you die from sleep apnea

In short, the answer is yes you can die from sleep apnea. People have died from Sleep Apnea. However, this is not common and is usually down to a lack of treatment as a result of not being diagnosed.

Sleep Apnea isn’t always obvious if you do not know what it is. It can present as snoring, which is not commonly thought to be an issues, more of an annoyance.

This means many that have Sleep Apnea go undiagnosed.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Treatment is key with Sleep Apnea. But seeking treatment comes from knowing what it is and being able to recognise the symptoms, in order to seek medical help.

Sleep Apnea, more commonly known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), is classified by the repeated and continuous starting and stopping of breathing during sleep.

This happens as a result of the narrowing of the airways when an individual is sleeping.

Your throat is made up of many structures and soft tissue. For some, when they sleep, the relaxing of the airway causes these structures to become an obstruction.

This is what causes snoring, but also causes the stopping and starting of breathing during the night, should the obstruction cause too much narrowing.

Signs and Symptoms

There are many common symptoms of Sleep Apnea, not everyone will experience them all.

  1. Snoring
  2. Choking, Gasping or Gagging sounds
  3. Periods of not breathing, usually followed by gasping for air
  4. Mood changes
  5. Depression
  6. Irritability
  7. Feeling unrested and fatigued during the day
  8. Headaches and jaw aches

Most of the ‘physical’ symptoms are more noticeable to loved ones, as they will hear the sufferer snoring, gasping, choking and witness them stopping and starting breathing throughout the night.

You may find yourself waking to your loved one saying ‘roll on your side’ or ‘stop snoring’ or you may find them in another room!

As the sufferer, you will notice daytime fatigue, headaches, jaw aches, sometimes a sore throat upon waking. You may also notice your mood changes.

If you or your loved ones notice any of these symptoms it is a good indication that you will need to see a doctor and complete a sleep study.

For more information on signs and symptoms click here.

Can You Die From Sleep Apnea?

Yes. You can. But, knowing what Sleep Apnea is and the symptoms is the first steps to getting treatment. And treatment is the key in managing the sleep disorder.

The longer sleep apnea goes undiagnosed the higher the chances of death as a result.

Those that have periods of non-breath 20 or more times during one night are classed as having severe Sleep Apnea. This increases the chances of death or complication if not treated.

As we as the symptoms listed above, Sleep Apnea has been linked to other more serious help conditions, including:

  • High blood pressure
  • Hearth disease
  • Low blood oxygen levels
  • Heart attack

These conditions can also cause death and usually, can only be picked up by medical attention. This is why it is so important to take notice of the common symptoms listed above such as snoring, gasping, chocking, daytime fatigue etc.

How Can Sleep Apnea Be Dangerous?

Not breathing during the night for any period of time will cause a lack of oxygen in the blood, meaning your heart will have to work harder and faster to pump blood around the body.

Waking from sleep as the sufferer starts to breathe again also causes long term high blood pressure. When we sleep our blood pressure lowers. In the long run, this is good for us.

However, when we wake, we experience an increase in blood pressure. Constantly waking during the night does not allow the body to experience a constant lowered blood pressure meaning again, the body must work harder.

This overtime is what becomes dangerous and detrimental to health.

The more times in the night the sufferer stops and starts breathing, the higher the risks.

As well as the physical results of sleep apnea, here are mental and emotional factors that are also detrimental to overall health during the long run.

Depression is extremely common in long term sufferers of Sleep Apnea. Depression can lead to suicide.

Extreme fatigue as a result of not sleeping properly each night can also cause death as a result of becoming ‘clumsy’. Falling asleep at the wheel is more common than we may realise. And Sleep Apnea can be a cause of this.

Preventing Serious Complication

The simplest thing is to pay attention to your own and your loved ones sleeping habits. Anyone experiencing any of the symptoms discussed should seek medical attention and may be referred to a sleep study.

Diagnosis is key to getting the right treatment. And treatment is key for managing the condition and maintaining your health.

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